Greetings Reader!

Mid-June of 2015, the Keenan family came up with an ingenious, idyllic idea. It starts with a prompt. At the beginning of each week, a family member comes up with a prompt. Every family member then has until the end of the week to write a short, 3-pages-max-double-spaced story. The story must include the prompt verbatim somewhere in the text. The required line of text will be bolded in the stories. At the end of the week, the stories are shared, and the next family member comes up with a prompt.

This site will be the keeper of these stories. Past months’ stories are in the menu above. This month’s stories are to the right. There’s also a Get Started Here tab up top that holds 2 stories from each of us. If you’re new to this, or if you haven’t read the stories under that tab, you should definitely start there.

Some of the stories on this site are terrible, some are publishable. Some are funny, some weird, others scary and still others are oddly nostalgic. We agreed to share our treasures to any who are interested. Feel free to browse the stories by prompt, or by author. If you have a good prompt idea, send it to us below!

Enjoy 🙂

~ The Keenan Crew


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